Electric cabinet cabinet air-conditioner
随着工业化进程的加快及各种设备自动化程度的提高,象伺服放大器、PLC、变频器等精密、复杂的电子、电气设备的使用越来越广泛。这些设备工作时会产生大量的热量,且自身对高温又比较敏感,控制柜内温度长期高于40℃时,会影响控制设备的稳定和寿命。 通常的解决方法是在控制柜上安装排风扇实现降温,但风扇工作时,外界的灰尘、油污以及有害气体也会随之进入控制柜内,被电路板表面静电吸附,日积月累,将会造成贴片元件和印刷线路的腐蚀,同时影响元器件的散热。积聚的灰尘受潮后还会引发电路板高压部分的短路。控制柜工作时间越长,上述问题越突出,累积到一定程度时就会引发控制部分的突然故障。 机柜空调(控制柜空调器)是通过压缩式制冷来实现吸热降温的,从而使控制柜在密闭的情况下,将控制柜内空气中的热量及水份向柜外转移。外部环境中的高温、粉尘、油污、腐蚀性气体不会进入控制柜内部,从而解决了风扇散热所带来的一系列问题。控制柜内可始终维持在30--35℃的理想温度环境中,电子、电气设备的使用寿命和稳定性得到了有效保证。 控制系统的突发故障所造成的硬件损坏,以及停产带来交货延期等所引发的经济、信誉损失是巨大的,安装控制柜空调器的费用只占整台(套)设备总额的很小部分 With the quickening of the process of industrialization and various equipment automation degree rise, like servo amplifiers, PLC, frequency converter and other precision and complex electronics, electrical equipment used more and more widely. These devices are generated a lot of heat, and oneself to high temperature and is more sensitive to temperature control cabinet long-term prep above 40 ℃, can affect the control equipment stability and life. Usually solution is in control cabinet installation platoon fan cooled, but realizing work, external dust, grease and harmful gas also is met subsequently access control cabinet, circuit board surface static adsorption, accumulate over a long period, which will result in patch components and printing lines of corrosion, affecting both components of heat dissipation. The accumulation of dust can trigger circuit damp high pressure